Welcome! Here we are talking about true happiness, the one that lasts.

You can learn to be more and more at peace, more joyful, happier!

Discover processes, ideas, courses, books, people who can help you.
Enjoy your life to the fullest!

It's simpler than you think

We all have happy moments, moments when we feel so good that nothing else can affect us, when we admitted wholeheartedly: Now I'm happy!

We can all train ourselves to extend and multiply these moments so that they fill our whole life!

Some skills we are starting to cultivate:

  • to recognize the happiness that lasts from the short-lived one, or the one that is soon compensated by unhappiness

  • to recognize what gives us moments of lasting happiness and to cultivate these things

  • to identify and increase the conditions for the state of happiness: external - environmental - and internal: calm, joy, positive attitude

  • to learn to manage tense states, emotions and negative thoughts and to return to good states as easily and more often

  • to learn to support each other to be happier, to appreciate this in other people and to share the state of happiness
